
Review: Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in BetweenHello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith

Publication Date: September 1, 2015
Page Count: 246
Published by: Poppy
Source: Library

Synopsis from Goodreads:

On the night before they leave for college, Clare and Aidan only have one thing left to do: figure out whether they should stay together or break up. Over the course of twelve hours, they'll retrace the steps of their relationship, trying to find something in their past that might help them decide what their future should be. The night will lead them to friends and family, familiar landmarks and unexpected places, hard truths and surprising revelations. But as the clock winds down and morning approaches, so does their inevitable goodbye. The question is, will it be goodbye for now or goodbye forever?

This new must-read novel from Jennifer E. Smith, author of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, explores the difficult choices that must be made when life and love lead in different directions.

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It's really a shame that I didn't like this book very much. I was excited when I started reading, but I only finished it because it was so short and I wanted to see what happened. The synopsis is spot on, but I guess I was just expecting more somehow. So yeah, over the course of 12 hours, Clare and Aidan rehash the important (and not so important) moments in their 2 year relationship. All of this talking is so they can decide whether to break up or stay together when they go to colleges on opposite coasts. Sure it's sad, but it's also boring.

I didn't get to see Clare and Aidan fall in love, so I felt no connection to them. I didn't even get to decide if I liked them together as a couple! In the end, it was just too hard for me to sympathize with the obvious heartbreak they were feeling.

I didn't like Clare's selfish behavior and her indecisiveness. It made her come across as cruel and insensitive. I also didn't understand Aidan's lack of conviction. He seemed resigned to move forward with whatever Clare decided.

One bright spot I can't fail to mention is Clare and Aidan's friends, Scotty and Stella. They were the best part of this book. They were definitely very interesting, had great personalities, and would make a really cute couple.

Overall, I'm just disappointed with this book. Maybe it's my age, the fact that my kids just turned 18 and 21, and my own life experiences, but I thought the 'breakup or stay together' theme was petty and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Maybe if I hadn't been dropped right into the ending of their relationship I could have cared more. Who knows.

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2 stars


  1. Oh, too bad! The premise sounds so promising!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

    1. Yeah Kate, I'm a contemporary junkie. If it sounds really cute, I'll read it. I was just really disappointed in this book, even though the synopsis is EXACTLY what happens in the story.

  2. I love it when you read reviews that confirm your own haha. 2 star read for me too.

    1. I know! I love your review. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like this. I was feeling bad for giving it only 2 stars.


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