August Recap and September TBR

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I completely gave up on reading in August. I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't get into a really good reading groove. So.... now I need to refocus and read my September review books that I didn't get to in August. I also have a couple of books from the library that I have been dying to read. I just don't have enough hours in my day! I'm cutting down on my September reading plans so hopefully I won't feel inadequate if I fall behind in my goal yet again.

Books read in August:

 photo TheBoyILove_zps3824e478.jpg photo OfMonstersAndMadness_zpsb9fda6b5.jpg photo TheBridgeFromMeToYou_zpsc901afe7.jpg

September TBR:

 photo InAHandfulOfDust_zps8e2f7feb.jpg photo AdrenalineCrush_zps9e47e8bb.jpg photo KissKillVanish_zps56b56f08.jpg

What are you reading plans for September? Leave me a link so I can check out your TBR.


  1. We have very similar TBRs for September! I am looking forward to Kiss Kill Vanish!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

    1. I liked Virtuosity by this author, so I hope I enjoy Kiss Kill Vanish just as much.


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