
Birthday Updates!

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Since today is my birthday, I decided to buy myself a few books that I've been wanting to read. What could be better than treating yourself? At least I know I'm getting something that I like and will use. And my FREE Starbucks will be enjoyed later. It's a great day!

These hardcovers were all under $10 each, and Isla was under $6, all with free shipping from Amazon AND they delivered on a Sunday.

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This ebook was only $0.99 on Amazon!

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Borrowed from the library. My first manga. It IS cute, I just wish it was in color!

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I downloaded the eArc of Until We Meet Again from NetGalley last night and stayed up late reading. It's really good, and I think I need to finish it tonight!

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Here's a conversation I had with my daughter last week:

Me: I think I'll be 29 again. 29 was a good year.
Daughter: Mom, that's weird and not possible. That would make me 1, and you would have been 11 when you had me. That's just gross.
Me: Can I at least be 39 again????
Daughter: < sigh > Mom.
Me: Okay, okay.


  1. Well, happy, happy birthday!!!! Hope it's a great day!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  2. Happy birthday!!! I hope you love all your new books! I'm hoping to pick up Isla from the library tomorrow!

    And LoL at your conversation with your daughter!!! My mom and I got my dad candles that said "29 Again" for his birthday the other week, which was only 20+ years off. :P

    1. Thank you Angie. I'm okay with my age. You can't stop time. I just can't BELIEVE this is how old I am. lol
      My kids just turned 18 and 21. It feels like I was just 18 a few years ago!


Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful day.