
November Recap and December TBR

I have a really good reason for not reading very much in November. I was super busy getting new items made and listed in my Etsy Shop. And I will continue being pretty busy for the next 3 weeks or so. Then I can relax a little and catch up on some reading. I have another ambitious month planned, and no idea how much reading I will actually get done.

Read in November:

Snowed Over by Angie Stanton
Fault Line by Christa Desir
Try Me (Take a Chance #1) by Diane Alberts
Love Me (Take a Chance #2) by Diane Alberts
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
After Eden (After Eden #1) by Helen Douglas

Total Pages Read: 1157

December TBR:

These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie Kaufman
The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine
Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill
No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale
Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott
Another Little Piece of My Heart by Tracey Martin
Ink is Thicker Than Water by Amy Spalding

 photo TheseBrokenStars_zpsa7724115.jpg photo ThePromiseOfAmazing_zpsdc5fdd8d.jpg photo BeingSloaneJacobs_zpse2a5c5ec.jpg photo NoOneElseCanHaveYou_zpseae84872.jpg

 photo Heartbeat_zpsc24fff43.jpg photo AnotherLittlePiece_zpsd1c1d902.jpg photo InkIsThickerThanWater_zps19000c35.jpg

I can't wait to read all of the books on my tbr this month!


  1. I have Another Little Piece of My Heart to review, it looks really cute! I also really want to read These Broken Stars, I love the cover!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My December TBR Pile Post and My November Wrap-Up Post!!

  2. Great TBR list! I just posted my review for These Broken Stars. I hope you enjoy it! I was a fan haha. I'm super excited for Being Sloane Jacobs, it just sounds so cute! Good luck with your reading and etsy shop! Happy December (:

    Cyn @ Bookmunchies


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