
Waiting On Wednesday (107) The Last Best Kiss by Tracey Martin @TA_Martin @harperteen

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Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating.

Wednesday is my favorite day of the week because I get to share books that I am super excited about and can't wait to read.

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Paperback, 320 pages
Expected publication: April 22nd 2014 by HarperTeen

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Anna Eliot is tired of worrying about what other people think. After all, that was how she lost the only guy she ever really liked, Finn Westbrook.

Now, three years after she broke his heart, the one who got away is back in her life.

All Anna wants is a chance to relive their last kiss again (and again and again). But Finn obviously hasn’t forgotten how she treated him, and he’s made it clear he has no interest in having anything to do with her.

Anna keeps trying to persuade herself that she doesn’t care about Finn either, but even though they’ve both changed since they first met, deep down she knows he’s the guy for her. Now if only she can get him to believe that, too....

With her signature wit and expertly authentic teen voice, Claire LaZebnik (the author of fan favorites Epic Fail and The Trouble with Flirting) once again breathes new life into a perennially popular love story. Fans of Polly Shulman, Maureen Johnson, and, of course, Jane Austen will love this irresistibly funny and romantic tale of first loves and second chances.

Another Jane Austen retelling. This time Persuasion. How could I not want to read this? I mean, HELLO, have you seen the name of my blog? It's a no brainer.

What are you waiting on this week? Be sure to leave me a link so I can check out your WoW.

(On a side note, I am currently reading Another Little Piece of My Heart by Tracey Martin, which is also a Persuasion retelling. It's so cute! It's also sweet and fluffy and super clean.)


  1. Not my kind of read but I still hope you thoroughly enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Definitely sounds cute (and sometimes you just need light and fluffy). Great pick! ~Pam

    1. I enjoy books like this to balance out any heavy reading that I do. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I just got this on EW and I can't wait because I ADORED The Trouble With Flirting:)

    My WoW

    1. I got it too! I hope we both enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I saw this was available for download on EW and almost downloaded it, I keep changing my mind! I am really tempted by this one. My WoW.

    1. I went ahead and got it since I think I will enjoy it. Now I can't wait to read it. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I like the one that got away type stories sometimes (OK it's rare but I do) and this one sounds cute. Happy Reading!

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW and sharing yours!

    1. I think I know how this one's going to end! LOL. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I didn´t know that Claire LaZebnik´s books were retellings of Jane Austen´s novels, I need to add this and her other books to my TBR list. thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for visiting My WOW

    1. I read The Trouble With Flirting and thought it was cute. I haven't read Epic Fail though. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Love it! I just snagged this one, and I hope you can too. Good to know that Another Little Piece is also good. I really enjoy Austen retellings!

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
    My WoW

    1. Another Little Piece of My Heart is pretty good. You should give it a chance if you enjoy clean YA contemp. And yes, I am getting this one too! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. I haven't heard of this one but it sounds like a really interesting read. I hope you'll get to read it soon and I need to read Another Little Piece soon too :) Great pick :)

    Tanja @ Ja čitam, a ti?

  9. Great pick! I love LaZebenic's modern retellings of Jane Austen books! Plus the cover of this is cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my WoW at Bookmunchies (:

  10. I love her books to pieces, so I'll be reading this one for sure!
    My WoW

  11. Oooo, very cute! This one was one of the many books that were uploaded to Edelweiss a few nights ago - the Harper explosion lol. I didn't download it, but if it gets good reviews, then I might reconsider! I just have SO MANY BOOKS lol ;)

    Check out my WoW post!

    1. They put SO many books up the other day! It was hard to control myself. I find these types of books are usually quick and easy reads, and something light to balance out the heavy hitters. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. I think this looks cute, but I have to admit that I wasn't crazy about her retelling of P&P. It's hard to get Austen right, in my opinion, but I'll definitely give this one a try. Great pick! It does sound like it's right up your alley!

    1. I haven't read Epic Fail yet - but I thought The Trouble With Flirting was pretty cute. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. This sounds adorable! I really enjoyed her novel, The Trouble With Flirting, so I'll definitely be reading this one. Great pick :)

  14. I haven't read the original Persuasion, but I guess I'm gonna have to LOL I've got Another Little Piece... from NG, so that would be read :) And The Last Best Kiss is sure to make it to my TBR :) Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    1. Persuasion is soo good. You should try it. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. It looks super cute! I remember Reading Epic Fail and it was really cute, too.
    Thanks for putting it on my radar! (:

  16. Sounds like a good read, and hope you get a chance to soon.

  17. :D I can totally understand why you would want to read this! Because Wentworth = amazing. ;)

    (Even though I'm more of a Tilney man!)

    Great pick!!


    My WoW

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Henry's a pretty good fella, but I do love my Wentworth.


Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful day.