
Sunday Updates (39)

Inspired by features from The Sunday Post from Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Sunday Summary from Book Twirps.

I've been trying to be good and limit my review requests, but I couldn't help getting a few that I was already pre-approved for. Here is what I got in the past 2 weeks:

 photo BrightBeforeSunrise_zps5db57a88.jpg photo DontYouForgetAboutMe_zpsae96b594.jpg photo TheLastBestKiss_zps9ec03644.jpg

Bright Before Sunrise by Tiffany Schmidt (eArc Thanks to Bloomsbury USA Children's Books)
(Don't You) Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn (eArcThanks to Harper Teen)
The Last Best Kiss by Claire LaZebnik (eArc Thanks to Harper Teen)

 photo FanArt_zps1d11e4d4.jpg photo AfterTheEnd_zpsb0ee02f3.jpg

Fan Art by Sarah Tregay (eArc Thanks to HarperCollins / Katherine Tegen Books)
After the End (After the End #1) by Amy Plum (eArc Thanks to Harper Teen)

Totally not book related, but...........

I am the best MOM EVER!!!!
Because I, #1 MOM, purchased One Direction concert tickets for my daughter. And I snagged them on Tuesday during the pre-sale, so they are GOOD tickets! What's that you say? Yes, I agree. I am indeed the best Mom ever. I'm not smug at all. Nope. How much gratitude will I be shown between now and August (when the concert is)? You bet I will get a lot of mileage out of this good deed!

However, I have been banned from attending said concert because I may (gasp!) dance and/or sing and embarrass her. Whatever. She can go with her dad who is evidently much cooler than I am. Even though he doesn't appreciate the hotness that is Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, and Zayn. Hmph.

Plus, if you are still looking for Christmas gifts, I am having a sale in my Etsy shop. Everything is made and ready to ship!


  1. Awesome haul! And wow! You are a great mom!! And that's August 2014?! That's crazy that the tickets are on sale now! The last time I went to a concert for realsies was in 2004 to see Evanescence! Great concert! Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin and Seether were opening bands and I loved them all!

    Although I did go to one this year too, that was with REO, Styx and another classic rock star I can't recall!

    And sooooo envious of After the End! I requested that one but I have a 99% chance of being rejected because 99% of the time at Edelweiss I get rejected! Any tips? What does your profile/bio thingy say? I say I am a blogger. List my blog. What I read. And yet I still get rejected...

    Happy Reading!!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yes, August 2014! It's at Edward Jones Dome, so she'll be there with about 60,000 others. Mind boggling. She's just happy they are coming to St. Louis this tour.

      My husband and I don't go to really big shows anymore. We like going to smaller venues and seeing smaller bands.

      With Edelweiss - I usually get declined at least 50% of the time. I don't know how or why I get pre-approved for some titles over there. But I'm not going to question it! I try to update my bio every month. Have a little blurb about what I like to read. Links to where I post my reviews - blog, amazon, goodreads. Number of blog subscribers, pageviews, and visitors. If there is a secret to getting approved, I don't know what it is!

  2. 1. I went a little bananas when Harper updated their galleys on Edelweiss. You have much more restraint. 2. Honestly, if I bought the tickets for my child, I would totally go, despite any and all probable embarrassment. I mean, I adore One Direction. They're precious.

    1. I had to restrain myself on that day on Edelweiss. But I can only read so many books, so I don't request or download unless I know I will definitely read and review it in a timely manner.

      I enjoy One Direction for what they are. I keep hoping that they don't do anything ridiculous and make themselves look bad or cause the group to break up.

  3. I really want to read Bright Before Sunrise (looks so cute) and After the End. Have fun reading! And we also got One Direction tickets for our daughter, she's so excited! ~Pam

    1. YAY for good parents who spoil their children! This is the first time they are in St. Louis, and I DID promise if they ever came here........ so I couldn't break my promise.


Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful day.