
2015 Reading Challenges

Over the last few years I have come to the realization that I suck at reading challenges. Seriously.
But I'm okay with that, and I have decided to try harder this year.
Now I just have to keep track of my books better, because last year I gave up way too easily.

2015 Goodreads Challenge

Goodreads is a no brainer. That's where I keep track of all my books anyway, so it makes sense to participate in the challenge. Plus, it's SO easy!

2015 YA Contemporary Challenge hosted by The Book Belles

My goal this year is: Rose: 26+ Books, which will be very easy because I really prefer to read contemporaries.

2015 Debut Author Challenge hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

My goal is to read 12 or more debut author books. I do tend to enjoy reading and discovering new authors, so this should be an easy goal to reach.

I think that's it for me this year. Hopefully I won't give up so easily like I have in the past.

What challenges are you participating in this year?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the 2015 YA Contemporary Challenge! You're only the second person I've seen going for the Rose level :) I'm participating in the Debut Author Challenge this year, too. Good luck with all of your challenges!


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