
Blog Tour + Review + Giveaway: Perfect Couple by Jennifer Echols

Series: Superlatives #2
Release date: January 13th 2015
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Purchase: Amazon

Synopsis from Goodreads:

In this second book in The Superlatives trilogy from Endless Summer author Jennifer Echols, Harper and Brody think they're an unlikely match, but the senior class says they belong together.

As yearbook photographer, Harper is responsible for those candid moments that make high school memorable. But her own life is anything but picture perfect. Her parents' bitter divorce left her wondering what a loving relationship looks like. And ever since the senior class voted her and star quarterback Brody 'Perfect Couple That Never Was', her friends have been pushing her to ask Brody out.

Brody doesn't lack female admirers, but Harper can't see herself with him. He's confused about the match too. Yet they find themselves drawn together; first by curiosity about why the class paired them, then by an undeniable bond.

The trouble is, though they're attracted to each other, they have a hard time getting along or even communicating well. If they're the perfect couple, this shouldn't be so difficult! Soon it becomes clear their class was wrong, and they throw in the towel. But they feel so changed from making the effort, they can't forget each other. What if this match made in hell is the perfect couple after all?

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I’ve said this before, but Jennifer Echols is my favorite go-to author when I want to read a cute, fun contemporary. I've rarely been let down when reading one of her books. Perfect Couple, book two in the Superlatives series, is a quick and entertaining read. It also has a few angsty teenage moments that help balance out all of the cute.

Just like the first book, the characters are absolutely adorable. I liked Harper well enough, and I loved how ambitious she was about her photography. I was glad when Harper started standing up for herself because I thought she was too easily influenced by her friends. Since it was told from Harper's POV, I had a really difficult time getting a good feel for Brody's character, but I liked him anyway. He ran a little hot and cold with me, but in the end I thought he was worth taking a chance on.

Perfect Couple was going along great and I was really enjoying the characters and their interactions. But then some serious shit went down that broke my heart and hurt my feelings. Then things started looking up and I was happy again. And then sad again. Sigh. This relationship was really having some ups and downs, and taking me along for the ride! Overall, I felt really happy reading about Harper and Brody. I couldn't tell if they would be able to work things out, but I was rooting for them anyway.

My one and only complaint? Believe it or not, but I thought Sawyer was more than a bit neutered this time around. I absolutely loved him in the first book, and I couldn't wait to see him in book two. But now I'm really concerned about how his rough around the edges character will be portrayed in book three. I'm hoping and praying that my Sawyer love will be revived.

Perfect Couple was another terrific read from Jennifer Echols. While her books are fun, she manages to throw in everyday problems that keep the stories realistic. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys cute and contemporary YA.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Jennifer Echols was born in Atlanta and grew up in a small town on a beautiful lake in Alabama—a setting that has inspired many of her books. She has written nine romantic novels for young adults, including the comedy MAJOR CRUSH, which won the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the drama GOING TOO FAR, which was a finalist in the RITA, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the Book Buyer’s Best, and was nominated by the American Library Association as a Best Book for Young Adults. Simon & Schuster will debut her adult romance novels in 2013, with many more teen novels scheduled for the next few years. She lives in Birmingham with her husband and her son.



  1. I haven't read the first book but did read this one, and now that you mention that Sawyer was a bit neutered in this book, I'm really interested to read the first one before I read the third one. I didn't enjoy the novel quite as much as you did, but it was still definitely a roller coaster ride for me as well! I haven't too much of Echols before (just a few) so I'm interested to see what some of her other novels are like since you mentioned that she is one of your favorite go-to authors!

    Gabbie @ Rampant Readers


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