
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Am Looking Forward To Reading In 2015

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Top Ten Twelve Books I Am Looking Forward To Reading In 2015

In no particular order....

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Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby
Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone
I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
The Remedy (The Program 0.5) by Suzanne Young

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Lion Heart (Scarlet #3) by A.C. Gaughen
The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West
The Devil You Know by Trish Doller
The Trials (Project Paper Doll #3) by Stacey Kade

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The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things by Ann Aguirre
Hello, I Love You by Katie M. Stout
Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway
Most Likely to Succeed (Superlatives #3) by Jennifer Echols

I could probably go on and on with this list. Narrowing it down to just 10 was impossible, and I had to throw in a few honorable mentions...

99 Days by Katie Cotugno
Killer Within (Killer Instinct #2) by S.E. Green


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm going to add some of these titles to my to-read list. Thanks!

  3. Some great books on your list! Emmy and Oliver looks so good :)

    1. Doesn't it sound good? I've been waiting a long time for it to be released. I hope it's worth the wait.


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