Waiting On Wednesday (594) Wild Goose Chase (Palm Island #4) by K.M. Neuhold

Expected Publication: April 7, 2023
Genre: M/M, Romance

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings
that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating.
(WoW was previously hosted by Breaking The Spine.)

This my favorite day of the week because I love sharing and discovering new books.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

When opposites attract, falling in love can feel like a Wild Goose Chase.

I know it’s wrong to check out my best friend’s twin brother.

Pete doesn’t think he’s fit for island life, but he doesn’t know Palm Island like I do. He might think it’s all drinking on the beach and bed hopping, but maybe if I can show him the beauty and freedom underneath it all, he might decide to stay.

He came for a visit, to escape a bad breakup and a life that’s been closing in on him, but the island doesn’t lure anyone in on accident.

He might be all wrong for me; too careful, too neat, too structured. Maybe I could use a little more structure in my life, and maybe Pete could use some chaos.

I'm continuing with this series even though it's ridiculous and unrealistic. Whatever. I'm just kind of going with it and not taking it too serious. I've read a few other series from this author, but this is the most "out there" storyline ever! (It centers on a group of guys that live on a beach resort island, and their shenanigans in the off season. The part that doesn't make sense is the location is an island in the southern US, which dosen't freeze so should be accessible by boat. However, the ferry stops running for 6 months so there are NO visitors and these guys run amok doing whatever they want since there are no tourists. But, there is no income without tourists supporting their businesses, and they are not independently wealthy, so I just don't understand.)

What are you waiting on this week?

1 comment:

  1. It kind of bothers me when bizarre things like that happen! I mean, you'd think authors would do their research or cobble together a halfway decent excuse to get things to be the way they want them to! I know occasionally I encounter something outlandish like that when I read, I try to just roll with it. Hopefully it's not too out there that it detracts from the enjoyment!

    Here's my CWW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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