Waiting On Wednesday (657) Cicadas: A Totally Ordinary Epic Love Story by Avery Cockburn

Expected Publication: June 20, 2024
Genre: MM, Romance

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings
that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating.
(WoW was previously hosted by Breaking The Spine.)

This is my favorite day of the week because I love sharing and discovering new books.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

What if you had a second chance at a second chance?

One day in 1987
Budding scientist Joel and cowboy-quarterback Danny meet amid the arrival of seventeen-year cicadas. Like the loud, lusty insects, the boys bond through song, reveling in the heat and hope of early summer—until fate tears them apart.

One night in 2004
During the next wave of cicadas, Joel and Dan find their connection stronger than ever. Boyhood fascination becomes an irresistible (and inconvenient!) passion, one that will unite and divide them for another seventeen years.

One love to last a lifetime
At the dawn of 2021, Joel and Daniel reach out, and in a heartbeat, the years and miles between them fall away. But to make their next reunion last forever, they must face their troubled pasts and embrace their boundless future.

Cicadas is a uniquely American, ridiculously romantic tale about memory, nostalgia, and the courage to dance into an untold tomorrow.

The timing of this book? Perfect. (Although, it IS quiet now that the invasion is over.) I've never read this author before, but this book sounds cute, so I hope I like it!

What are you waiting on this week?


  1. I was just going to say the timing of this is nearly perfect! But I am glad that they are nearly gone. But I thought I heard Round 2 is in July...hopefully I heard that wrong! Lol. Hope you enjoy this one!

    Here's my CWW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica. I hope there aren't more coming!


Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful day.