Waiting On Wednesday (658) Best Play (Perfect Play #3.5) by Layla Reyne

Expected Publication: June 25, 2024
Genre: MM, Romance

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings
that spotlights upcoming releases that we are eagerly anticipating.
(WoW was previously hosted by Breaking The Spine.)

This is my favorite day of the week because I love sharing and discovering new books.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

When the best play is the marriage already made…

By Friday, Agents Bishop and Marshall must: Solve an anything-but-routine burglary. Determine why the house’s previous owner was murdered. Avoid getting killed in the process.

Because on Saturday, Levi and Marsh have to: Keep an overdue promise to their son. Entertain a house full of friends and family. Say “I do” in the wedding their marriage of convenience turned true love deserves.

Marsh and Levi are determined to help a friend in need. But they’re already six months late for a very important date. If they’re not at the altar on time for their Christmas (in July) wedding, they’ll face their most terrifying enemy yet - their teenage son.

This author likes to write stuff that goes too far over the top for me. I read the first two books in this series and they were okay, just so many characters and so much going on it's hard to keep track. (And the bad guys! SO MANY bad guys!!) I guess I should read book 3 so I can then read this epilogue and know how it ends.

What are you waiting on this week?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That sounds like a lot! But I hope you enjoy this conclusion once you get around to reading it! Sometimes we need closure regardless of our enjoyment level of past books. Lol. Hope it's a winner of sorts!

    Here's my CWW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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