
Follow Friday (6)

Follow Friday is a weekly feature hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee. Follow Friday is an opportunity to discover and follow other book related blogs.

Question of the Week: Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?

9 ebooks (Amazon had some great $0.99 deals!)
11 physical books that I own
4 I just picked up from the library
7 on reserve at the library
and 117 on my Goodreads tbr (does that count? I only add books that I am GOING to read, so they should count.)

I only buy books that I know I am going to love and keep, so I mostly borrow from the library (which is right around the corner and convenient as hell. Plus, I have a well trained husband who does my book fetching for me.)


  1. My Goodreads tbr shelf is very scary... LOL. Good luck with those!

  2. That's not too bad. =)

    - New follower

  3. That's not bad at all. I wish my list was around your size.

    New Follower
    Beth ^_^

  4. Hello, like that background.
    okaaayyy, not bad at all.not bad. its that TBR list that seems to grow and grow.

  5. the library is convenient, but mine has a shelf of books that are only a dollar each and I always find at least one book i like during each trip. Doing that has made my TBR pile huge! Happy Friday!

    Here's my FF!

  6. Hey, Sandra. Thanks so much for stopping by. You really don't have that many.

    Old follower, of course.

    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

  7. Awesome numbers. They are all really manageable. Thanks for stopping by my Follow Friday. =]
    My FF

  8. It's so easy to add more books to the Goodreads to-read list. Soon I will end up with more to-reads than the books I have actually read! Good luck with tackling that pile. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Old follower.

    Sam @ Realm of Ficton

  9. That's good - I wish I only had that many on my shelves. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed!

    My Follow Friday

  10. Wow! I'm impressed you can keep yourself from constantly buying books... I have a big problem with buying LOL!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  11. I need your self-control when it comes to buying books!

    Happy Friday!

  12. You have lots of good reading to look forward to!

    I absolutely love your blog title, by the way :)

    New follower!

  13. My count would have been much higher if I'd included my Goodreads TBR list. That list never stops growing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Old follower =)

  14. I'm a new follower. My blog is www.rachelrmrblog.blogspot.com

  15. Those are pretty reasonable numbers. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Old follower.

  16. If I included my goodreads to read list I think I would have 600 books to read? lol so I shouldn't include that list haha

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!!

  17. The Amazon deals always get me too. Thanks for stopping by! Old follower.

  18. Hopping through. I need to start taking advantage of the 99 cent deals on Amazon. You can get great books that way.
    My Hop

  19. I don't keep many physical books any more. I think I only have 1 that's a recent book (not old with no intention of reading).

    BUT when you mention Kindle & Goodreads things get a lot messier.

    Kindle: 27 (Some are free & some are galleys tho)

    Goodreads TBR count (which I eliminate books occasionally if they've sat too long or I see some reviews about) currently sits at 222 books.

    New follower within the last week.

  20. Oooohh, if we have to count our Goodreads lists I'm in BIG trouble!

  21. Good for you! My husband wouldn't be caught dead in a library :(

    Unfortunately I have a lot more books than that.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  22. HAHA I don't look at my goodreads TBR shelf cuz there's so much of awesome stuff I'm yet to buy or read. And 0.99 books are awesome! It's fun to discover cool new authors along the way :D Thanks for stopping by (:

  23. Love your blog title! Captain Wentworth is my favorite Jane Austen hero!

    Your book total is so small! Here is my staggering number. I won't add my goodreads TBR number, as it is bigger than my Read pile...lol!

  24. I have enjoyed your site! I hope you don't mind, but I have given you an award! Enjoy!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog! The number of books you actually own is way better than mine! Wish mine was that small, it would be a lot more manageable!


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