
Review: Easy by Tammara Webber

EasyEasy by Tammara Webber

Publication Date: January 3, 2012
Page Count: 304
Format: ebook
Published by: Razorbill
Source: eARC from publisher

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Synopsis From Goodreads:

Jacqueline seems to have a knack for making the wrong choices. She followed her boyfriend to his choice of university, disregarding her preference. Then he dumped her. She chose a minor she thought she could combine with her music studies, but she's falling behind. And then, leaving a party alone one night, she is attacked. If it wasn't for the timely intervention of a stranger, she would have been raped. Now she must make a choice - give up and give in, or toughen up and fight on. Only the support of the man who is tutoring her and the allure of the guy who saved her from the attack convince her that it's worth fighting on. Will Jacqueline now have to make a choice between them too? And can she make the right decision? It's not easy . . .

I really didn't expect to like this book so much, which is why I put off reading it for so long. I was so wrong, and I am happy to say that I absolutely loved this book! I really enjoy reading contemporary stories, and this was just perfect for me. It's one of those books that stays with you long after you've finished reading. The story is unbelievably captivating and the characters are simply fascinating. It's been a few weeks since I read it and I'm still thinking about it. I really need to read this again just to relive all the yumminess!

The protagonist, Jacqueline, has such a wonderful personality. She was smart and funny and so outgoing. I really liked her and I thought she was such a strong character. She was easy to relate to, and her fears and insecurities felt realistic. I admired her determination to make better decisions about her life.

Lucas is just... too much. Tattooed, motorcycle riding, hot and angst filled and emotional and way too young for me, but I can still dream about him. Can't I? He was really sweet and very protective. He had a quiet intensity to him that made him swoonworthy. And did I mention that he is HOT? Okay, enough already! I loved him. And I'm not afraid to admit it. He was a great character, and I think his mother would have been very proud of the man that he had become.

Lucas gave Jacqueline tons of support, and he was always there for her. But he also gave her enough room to make her own decisions. Lucas really kept to himself and was a bit closed off and mysterious. He has a few secrets in his past, and it was hard for him to open up to Jacqueline. I won't go into details because that would spoil the story. But rest assured that he is definitely worth getting to know! Lucas and Jacqueline had so much chemistry, it just poured off the pages.

There were several dark topics in this book, and some very serious situations that the characters found themselves in. I thought everything was handled realistically and with maturity. The dialogue felt realistic. I really enjoyed the scenes between Jacqueline and her BFF, Erin.

Easy grabbed my attention from the first page and held it right to the very end. It was a real page turner and I didn't want to put it down. Easy has solid, emotional writing, wonderful characters, and covers some very important issues. It has a very satisfying ending, but I still wanted more! The writing was simply amazing. This was a terrific contemporary New Adult book. Highly recommended if you are looking for a hot and sweet romance.

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars


  1. This is a book I have been looking at for awhile too. I find some books I put off are by far my faces. IDK why life works like that.
    Your review was great. Its going to the top of tbr.
    New follower. Your blog is super cute too.

  2. I could not agree more. I liked this book WAY more than I had anticipated, and no New Adult book has yet lived up to it. Such fantastic chemistry!


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