
Sunday Updates (14)

Inspired by features from The Sunday Post from Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Sunday Summary from Book Twirps.


Check it out. I have reached my Goodreads Reading Challenge goal of 75 books! I never thought I would actually reach it. My daughter picked that ambitious number for me after I read 70 books last year. Who knows what crazy number she will pick for next year! Now if I could just catch up on my reviews...

Received For Review:

Borrowed From Library:

Be sure to check out my other posts from last week:

Teaser Tuesday: Second Chance (First Comes Love #2) by Katie Kacvinsky
Waiting On Wednesday: How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
Blog Tour and Book Review: Second Chance (First Comes Love #2) by Katie Kacvinsky
Review: Take Me Home by One Direction

This coming week I will have a review for Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse.

Gratitude Giveaway begins on November 15 - be sure to stop by and enter!


  1. Yay, congrats on reaching your goal! With several weeks to spare as well ;-)

    Hysteria sounds really good, can't wait to hear what you think of it.


  2. Nice haul and congrats on reaching your goal. You can see my book news and haul on The Sunday Post

  3. OOh nice! Those are new to me but I hope you enjoy them! And yay for making your goal! I need to do that one next year!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


Thank you so much for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful day.