
Review: Take Me Home by One Direction

You're reading that correctly. I am doing a review for the CD Take Me Home by One Direction. Because of my psychotically obsessed lovely daughter, I have heard this entire album nonstop since it appeared on iTunes a few days ago. I know the songs. I know the words. I know who is singing which part - I can tell their voices apart. I thought it was good that I learned all of their names months and months ago. My daughter had to make sure that I wouldn't embarrass her by calling someone by the wrong name. Oh, how far I have come since I first made the correlation that the one with all of the hair is 'Harry'. Sigh.

So here we go. My daughter and I were both happy to realize that the lead vocals are more equally balanced this time around. On the first album, some of them (Louis and Niall) got jipped. Also, they don't deviate far from the sound of their first album. I was surprised by some of the songwriters this time around. My daughter loves Ed Sheeran, so she's happy about him contributing. Some of the boys participated in songwriting - it's a small step in becoming who they want to be. Big thumbs up from me and hopefully they will contribute even more in the future.

1. Live While We're Young - Nice and upbeat, already overplayed, and it seems like they are trying too hard to be peppy. Not my favorite.

2. Kiss You - Bubblegum pop, boy band standard. Fast and upbeat with catchy lyrics.

3. Little Things - Slow acoustic with great vocals. Lyrics seem a little too old for these boys, but they pull it off well. The funniest video EVER of a woman going crazy while watching this video for the first time HERE on YouTube. I laughed so hard I cried. "I'm perfect to Harry!" "I'm in love with you, too." "I'm not gonna cryyyyyy."

4. C'mon, C'mon - More upbeat pop with catchy lyrics. Makes you wanna get up and dance around the room (and embarrass your kids.)  Reminds me of 'Up All Night' from their first cd.

5. Last First Kiss - So sweet! Soaring vocals. I can imagine the girls will be squealing over this one - I know my daughter is.

6. Heart Attack - Another upbeat and danceable song, along with catchy lyrics. Hard not to sing along with this one.

7. Rock Me - Mid tempo with nice vocals. Kinda cheesy though.

8. Change My Mind - My favorite song on this album. Sweet lyrics and awesome vocals.

9. I Would - My 2nd favorite song. Nice beat, catchy lyrics, and great vocals. L-O-V-E....
This song features the funniest lyrics on this cd:
"It feels like I'm constantly playing
A game that I'm destined to lose
'Cuz I can't compete with your boyfriend
He's got 27 tattoos"

10. Over Again - Another slow song. Solo vocals are iffy, chorus with all the guys is really good.

11. Back For You - Great lyrics and vocals.

12. They Don't Know About Us - Love this song. So sweet! Great vocals.

13. Summer Love - Perfect song for the end of this album. Summer's over. So sad. Great soaring vocals. Makes you wanna cry. Seriously. The end.

There you go. Hot boy band reviewed by a 44 year old woman. That just sounds all sorts of wrong. But this is my life with a 15 year old daughter who is obsessed with these boys. At least they are nice young men (so far). Hopefully they will stay that way.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Deluxe US Yearbook Edition CD - with a T-shirt. That's right - she received 2 T-shirts on her birthday recently, so she definitely needs another one. And she has informed me that she has her Christmas list ready - I can imagine that it's filled with 1D merchandise. At least she's easy to please.


  1. +JMJ+

    All I've heard of the new album are the two tracks that were released as singles, but I agree with your assessments of them. Live While We're Young is like warmed over Up All Night to me--and they definitely sound as if they're trying too hard. What I'd say, though, is that they're trying too hard to be American--or at least generic. Like those teen shows produced in Canada that are deliberately made to look as if they could have been filmed in the US. The Britishness that I loved in their first album has been nowhere to be heard, even with Ed Sheeran contributing. =(

    I also really don't like Little Things, and think you make a good point that the lyrics are too old for them. But I was happy that Louis got to sing a little more. He has the weakest voice of all five of them, but the producers seem to be finding good songs to show what he can do.

    1. I agree that Louis has a weak voice, but it's sweet and clear. I like that he has more of a presence on this CD.

  2. OKAY. You and you and your daughter have become my new favorite people.. NOT EVEN KIDDING. Anyone that likes One Direction is amazing in my book, and it's even better when you admit to liking them! I haven't heard the whole album, but I can't wait to hear it... and my Christmas list consists of a ton of 1D merchandise as well!

    1. I just realized that Target has an exclusive CD with 5 additional songs - 3 new studio songs and 2 live tracks. Since she's already getting the CD with 17 songs on it, this may be a christmas present. I caved over the weekend and bought her a 1D calendar and 2 new posters - she's going to LOVE ME on christmas morning!

  3. Cracking up over here. My niece is a HUGE fan of One Direction. Which brings me back to my youth and reading Tiger Beat magazine while I painted my nails....

    1. and Teen Beat, 16, Bop.... the 80's were great! My daughter thinks I'm weird because I still have tons of Duran Duran posters and magazines. Let's wait and see if 1D is still together and making music in 30 years...

  4. Haha. I feel your pain over here! I'm a 42 yr old woman who is forced to know all things Justin Bieber because of my 10 year old daughter! I wonder if she realizes there is a new 1D album out? (I won't be telling her lol)


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