
Top Ten Tuesday (14) On A Deserted Island

Top Ten Tuesday brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Books I'd Want On A Deserted Island

1. The Ultimate Survival Guide (I'm so not the outdoorsy type, I would need this just to survive the first day. How else will I live long enough to read the rest of my books?)

2. The Complete Novels of Jane Austen

3. The Complete Works of the Bronte Sisters

4. If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman
(Totally cheating and putting two books in this spot. I can't read one without the other...)

5. On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

6. Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

7. The Raven Boys (Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
(Yes, there's only 1 book so far, but I'd have endless amounts of time to imagine my own ending to this series.)

8. Something Like Normal by Trish Doller

9. The Complete Poems by John Keats

10. The Iron Fey Boxed Set by Julie Kagawa
(This would give me something new to read.)

What books would you want on a deserted island?


  1. Fantastic list! I have The Raven Boys, If I Stay/Where She Went, AND Jellicoe Road on my list!

    I don't know I forgot The Iron Fey series but I'd definitely want to take it with me as well.

    My Top Ten

    1. I have had all 4 Iron Fey books for a while, and I DO intend to read them. But it may actually take being stranded on a deserted island with them for me to get around to reading them.

  2. Great list! I included If I Stay, Jellicoe Road and Jane Austen's books too. I wish I'd thought to include a survival book though!

    My Top Ten

    1. Oh, I definitely need the survival guide - I probably couldn't start a fire!

  3. AAhhh! I love it! I totally need to keep John After close to me too! I also totally agree with Something Like Normal! Totally loved it :) Thanks for visiting Elegantly Bound Books!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  4. Only one survival guide, but at least it is your first book choice *wink*. I guess if we were indeed both stranded on the same island we could swap books? I see a few I'd like to read in between all my survival manuals I picked!!

  5. I was a big Keats fan in high school, nice pick!

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