
Top Ten Tuesday (15)

Top Ten Tuesday brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Twenty Most Anticipated Books For 2013


Just One Day (Just One Day #1) by Gayle Forman January 8


Nobody But Us by Kristin Halbrook January 29


Star Crossed (Stargazer #1) by Jennifer Echols February 26


When You Were Here by Daisy Whitney June


All I Need by Susane Colasanti May 21


Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt March 26


Golden by Jessi Kirby May 14


This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith April 2


Crash (Visions #1) by Lisa McMann January 8


Falling For You by Lisa Schroeder January 1

That was WAY too hard to narrow down to only 10. What the heck, I can easily do another list of 10. So, honorable mentions go to:

Levitating Las Vegas by Jennifer Echols (May 7)
Just One Year (Just One Day #2) by Gayle Forman
The Collector (Dante Walker #1) by Victoria Scott (April 2)
Taken (Taken #1) by Erin Bowman (April 16)
The Haven by Carol Lynch Williams (April 9)
Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols (July 16)
Thousand Words by Jennifer Brown (May 21)
How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski (May 7)
OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu (July 23)
and Blaze (or Love in the Time of Supervillains) by Laurie Boyle Crompton (February 1)

That's 20 books on my Top Ten this week. What are you anticipating reading in 2013?


  1. Twenty books just means twice the fun of a regular top ten tuesday!

    These books look great! I especially can't wait to read This is What Happy Looks Like.

  2. All these books look great but All I need and Crash look the most fun to read!

    I just started following your blog and hope you can stop by my page and follow back as well? I just had my first book cover reveal today and I am very excited, come and check it out!

  3. I basically scrolled down your list nodding in agreement with all of them! We have a few of the same, I'm really excited for When You Were Here!

    My TTT

  4. I haven't heard of a lot of these books! I love finding new books to add to my HUGE TBR list!!

    1. Glad I could help you find new books to read. My 2013 tbr is out of control!

  5. Crash is on my list too! :)
    And WHAT. I had no idea there was going to be a new Jennifer Echols book soon! Must add that to my TBR list...
    Here’s my TTT

    1. Jennifer Echols has 4 books coming out in 2013. The first 2 books in the Stargazer series, Dirty Little Secret, and Levitating Las Vegas.

  6. I had such a hard time narrowing down my list too! It was so hard to narrow it down, but I managed...

    I'm SO excited for Just One Day, When You Were Here, and Falling for You! :D
    2013's definitely going to be a fantastic year for books!

    My TTT

  7. Seeing all these amazing titles (most of which I'm happily waiting for!) makes me so excited all over again. There are so many good books coming out, and I have NO idea how I'll be able to buy them all without going broke :p

  8. You have a lot of terrific sounding reads on your Top Ten that I've added to my TBR list. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Haha! I love how you basically said, "Forget this" and added an extra ten. Thank you for being bold about what the rest of us tried to sneak out. ;-)

    My TTT:


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